Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

Combating fear and challenging times

Combating fear and challenging times

Fear is a feeling that can erupt like a volcano. Our emotions spiral out of control within a second and can leave us feeling exhausted, drained and scared. We catastrophise and imagine ourselves loosing control. This then ignites a sensation of being like a child again; scared and alone, feeling unsafe.

How do we battle this as an adult to keep it away for good, help us cope with life in a productive way that makes us happy? Its about understanding our triggers and recognising when we are not being present-because fear ignites during times when we feel unsafe and not secure.

Removing fear takes practice and is about changing our mindset to allow in stronger, more positive thoughts. Fear is a form of negative self talk that can be an instant self-destruct button we press. It is something we learn growing up, through taught behaviours and thought patterns. Fear is also there to protect us from harm, but can be aggravated through previous trauma.

Firstly it is important we are patient and kind with ourselves. In order to change the mindset, we have to first get our minds to a place of calm so we can increase our self-awareness which helps us understand why our fears keep arising. This is achieved through meditation and mindfulness as well as deep breathing exercises.

Once we are in a calm mindset, we can look to re-train our mind to think positively and stay present. Regular, daily positive thinking involves using positive affirmations (I am safe, I am good enough, I live in the present moment). This is a sure way to reduce the fear body within us. By repeating positive self talk, we can then change our behaviours and move forwards through challenging times.

Learning to let go of outcomes significantly reduces fear. Having trust and faith that everything will work out positively for you will banish fear every time. Fear feeds off the need to control situations or outcomes by worrying and forcing things to happen.

Another way to effectively remove fear is speak to your inner child and understand that the fear could well be springing up from childhood. Imagine your inner child as the age of the child you were when you first experienced fear, how would you parent that child now if they were your own?

The more we delve into feeling the victim of fear, the more we become it. Don’t let it control you as it can lead to great unhappiness and is a thief of joy! It is an emotion and our brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy so it will believe anything you tell it subconsciously.

Fear can emit feelings of sadness, being scared, anxiety, panic, confusion, loneliness, depression, stress and not feeling good enough. In order to fully move away from fear, we must be kind to ourselves, let go of control and outcomes, fully heal from past traumas and experiences through counselling, self-help and therapeutic services like Reiki.

Letting go, forgiving yourself and others and wanting to progress forwards are three ways to kick fear to the curb. The past cannot hurt you anymore and why would you want to live in the past when there is a whole new future awaiting you, full of new experiences? Don’t let fear rule you, you are in charge of your destiny and mindset. Believe in yourself and believe you deserve the very best.

Set yourself free!