Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

Cord Cutting

Woman throwing her arms out to sea

Cord Cutting

Cord cutting what is this?

A cord is a negative energetic structure that ties you and another person together.

When you form a relationship with a person, you make two types of connection.  The first type of connection is the spiritual, positive bond that contains energies like unconditional love, good times and lessons learned together, fondness, affection – stuff like that.  This is a positive cord that we never sever because it contains all that is good about the relationship.

The second type of connection is a negative cord – this energetic structure is very different from the positive type because it contains all the negative energies that have ever been a feature of your relationship. Even when you part ways, you still have this energetic connection to one another and it causes you to find it it hard to foget them, move on from them or even stop thinking about them. Cords can formulate between people and situations.

Cord-cutting is a spiritual healing process that energetically severs that negative attachment between you and another person or situation/trauma so that the shadow of that past relationship does not hang over you or affect your behaviour in the present.  This means that the rage, paranoia and inadequacy, particular to that aforementioned relationship can be eliminated.

In order to cut cords effectively, you have to discuss (and understand) what negative patterns are a feature of your relationship with that person. You need to learn from those patterns and impact other relationships. The way to cord cut is to visualise a huge (umbilical style cord) from where you feel the energy attachment (heart centre, mind, chakras) and see the cord go from you to them. Then visualise cutting the cord using a huge pair of scissors or a sword and see that cord cut in half and dissolve. You may have to repeat this a couple of times.

Cord cutting will help you move on from trauma, previous relationships and ties. Setting the intention of why you are doing this is absolutely key. Is it for your highest good? Once you have cut the cords, see yourself immersed in white light and see the areas where the cords were once attached filled with light.

Cord attachments can drain us of mental health and emotional energy!

Chakras and Cords

We have seven primary chakras in our bodies. Chakras are considered energy centers that run from the bottom of your spine to the top. Your auric field encompasses all of your chakras. This is your body’s aura where cords connect.

  • Your Aura receives energy
  • Your Chakras process the energy
  • Your Meridians distribute the energy into your body

Cutting cords changed my life and helped me move forwards from previous hurt, the past and stress. Cord cutting can be utilised to any person, situation, memory and worry.