Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

Love and Healing

Love and Healing

Love and healing are the two key elements to moving forwards in life. Focusing on the vibration of love is the quickest way to heal, become more positive and feel more aligned with your dream reality. To get into the vibration of love, focus on a positive memory or feeling and really sit with it. Allow yourself to melt into the moment and absorb the energy of it.

Love happens when you come from a place of forgiveness and understanding. Accepting yourself and letting go creates the energy of love. In order to love ourselves, we need to release the past, let go of mistakes we may have made and appreciate every moment with gratitude.

Healing ourselves takes time, effort and a want to change and feel better. It requires a positive, wellness focused driven routine and a commitment of consistency in order to be effective. It takes 21 days to change your mindset with a new habit, so committing to it is key. Healing is about evolving ourselves, helping ourselves and creating the inner peace and happiness we so long for.

The healing process can be messy, it can be like a rollercoaster. The other side of it though, is rosey and uplifting as well as full of love and peace. How do we heal? How do we know when we are healed from something? Healing can be done many ways:

  • Meditation
  • Journalling
  • Working with a support network
  • Identify your triggers
  • Address your fears and worries
  • Speaking your truth and standing up for yourself
  • Self-love practices
  • Self-care and wellness
  • Pampering treatments
  • Resting and relaxing
  • Cord cutting

Each one is something to do regulary and consistantly and what resonates is what is the right ones to choose. How do we know when we have healed something? It no longer triggers us. We no longer feel affected by it. We emotionally, can let go easier. It is never too late to start healing and once you do, life looks and feels alot brighter.

Feeling love and healing ourselves is the first step to getting the most positive energy and passion out of life. It just takes saying yes to yourself for a better way of feeling and the want to start a new chapter. Taking small steps each day will help you to move forwards in ways you may have only dreamt of and tellign yourself this:

‘I deserve to feel happy and have all of my dreams come true’ It all starts with you 🙂