Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

The Power of Spring

The Power of Spring

Spring is the season of new beginnings for the year as its when the weather improves, nature changes and it is the start of a new season full of abundance and prosperity. March itself,  is about holidays and awareness so its really a month of excitement and good times ahead!

Spring is is about taking that leap of faith and springing forwards into the unknown. How does the unknown make you feel? Are you excited or do you dread the idea? Spring energetically is about moving forwards rapidly and positively. Spring is the promise that everything can begin again, letting go and embracing something new. Promise, birth, renewal, new love, romance, starting anew.

What is it that you need to let go of? Where do you find yourself going around in circles over something? Can you relook at something or reignite a passion you had once be interested in? Spring is about the new beginnings of life and the rebirth of a new life (Easter).

Spring brings back the power of light. By taking in the light we can achieve greater balance and harmony. Tune into nature and feel yourself becoming aware and alert during this season. Get outdoors more and allow yourself to be immersed in nature. Grounding your energy is so important and doing this in Spring is even more powerful as it connects you to mother earth in a more cemented way.

Open your heart and approach spring as if you have never seen it before with positive curiousity. Believe you are deserving of all you desire, the power is to believe and have positive intentions behind all you do.

This is a time to leave behind old patterns, old ways of doing things, and embrace the power and beauty of new life. Open your mind to the possiblity to what could be and allow yourself to be guided with passion and flow as you enter this new season of abundance. To surrender is the key behind success and fufilment, so now is your time to shine and take action when guided, chill and relax and let yourself flow through life.