Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

Motivate and Thrive

Motivate and Thrive

How do we allow ourselves to feel great and achieve the best outcomes in all areas of our lives? Is this even possible? To thrive we must feel motivated and inspired. Thriving is about having that get up and go and knowing that anything is possible. So what holds us back when we don’t feel motivated?

More often that not, we just don’t allow ourselves to reach out for support, nor do we spend enough ‘me’ time relaxing, laughing and having fun. If we are missing these things, we can feel flat, demotivated and uninspired to say the least. Can we create joy from within? Absolutely! It all starts with us. What we feel internally mirrors our outer world and when we heal, we allow ourselves to be set free from the norm of everyday life and the mundane routine we can find ourselves in.

To motivate, we must find a reason to want to do something. What is the passion behind the goal? What is the trigger behind the change? What is the reason for doing something or choosing something? Asking ourselves these questions allows us to connect. The connection on a deeper level creates the space for joy and abundance to flow. This is where our energy changes. The outlook we have shifts, the world we see is now through a different lense.

To thrive mentally, spiritually, energetically, emotionally and physically we need to learn about ourselves. Find out what causes us discomfort and WHY. Those experiences we have had are they still affecting us? Is there still an emotional charge to things from the past? If we hold on for too long, we can fall back into the version of us that we had once moved on from and this can spark emotions and fears we thought we had healed.

Ask yourself, where do I feel I am being held back and more importantly WHY. What is it that I struggle to let go of? Are there areas I still need to heal or look at? What memories am I constantly shown by my mind- is there still something lingering waiting to be heard? When we give ourselves time, space and a safe place to feel, we thrive and don’t just survive.