Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

Getting the Balance

Getting the Balance

Life is all about balance and getting the peace within each and everyday. Is it possible to do this? Absolutely! With consistency and practice with putting time on the diary just for us this is achievable. 

Balance is all about feeling calm, understanding our own boundaries and needs but is individual to each person. 

There are many ways to get the balance:

having balance creates more internal joy, happiness and productivity as well as more positive success 

Here are some ideas to get you started with a balanced lifestyle mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally:

Self discipline is key to maintaining balance and keeping a commitment to it 

Switch off- disconnect from technology regularly is highly beneficial start small with switching off- cut down on social media, computers, TV and phones especially in the evening 

Say no- set boundaries! Learn to say no without resentment or guilt and don’t people please as this leads to feeling unworthy 

minimise toxicity- stay away from complainers, negative people or situations. If you can’t then at least cut down from engaging with them. Cut energetic cords with them (another blog I have is on how to do this) 

Spend time alone and travel 

Being in solitude is very good for the soul. Allowing yourself to switch off and just focus on you and your surroundings will really help you to reset and relax. Go to places you want to visit. Why wait? Life is too short! 

Expand your awareness- Take a class, learn to paint, or try something new that you’ve always wanted to learn. Read a book that sparks your interest, or try listening to uplifting music. Find what interests 

Have fun!

Laugh, joke, play, find your sense of humor, subscribe to a daily joke, or get a tear-off calendar. Nothing makes you feel better as fast as a good old-fashioned belly laugh. Science says laughter boosts the immune system, protects the heart, and lighten’s your load when you’re feeling down or angry

Creating balance in life is not about cramming many things into your everyday life. It is about knowing what is important and what isn’t and figuring out how much capacity and energy you have to invest in what is important to you.

Living a well-balanced life is crucial for your health, happiness, and well-being. Not only will you feel like your best self, but you will also find that more balance in your life will boost your productivity, manage your stress levels, and help you live to your fullest potential.