Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

Getting into alignment- Energy Work

Getting into alignment- Energy Work

It is so easy to fall out of alignment especially during challenging times. It is key to your wellbeing to make sure you are always healing, aligning your chakras and doing fun things to bring you joy!

Heres how:

Every week align your chakras:

Root chakra: (Base of spine) Visualise the colour red and breathe it into the area. ‘I am safe and secure’

Sacral Chakra: (Lower abdomen) Visualise the colour orange and breathe it into the area. ‘I let go of the past and heal’

Solar Plexus: (Upper abdomen) Visualise the colour yellow and breathe that colour in. ‘I choose to believe in myself’

Heart Chakra: (Heart space area) Visualise the colour pink or green and breathe it in and out. ‘I choose to love and accept myself’

Throat Chakra: (Neck area) Visulaise the colour of pale blue and breathe that into the neck area. ‘I choose to communicate my needs and speak my truth’

Third Eye: (Between the eyebrows) Visualise the colour purple and breathe it in. ‘I choose to trust and I am connected’

Crown Chakra: (Above the head) Visualise the colour violet above the head. ‘I choose to listen to my intuition’


What is energy?

Energy is a frequency and we all vibrate on different frequencies depending on how we feel. It is possible to raise your frequency through listening to higher frequencies such as 432 hz or 528hz.

How it affects our emotions and wellbeing- If we don’t look after ourselves we can feel depleted, alone, frustrated and negative emotions. It is so important to see who we are surrounding ourselves with and what we are doing daily that is draining us.

How we can use it to manifest (LOA)- What we put out comes back to us- if you are positive, you will attracy positive in return its the law of attraction- likewise for negativity.

Recognising its got in your aura- Do you feel depleted or good? Energy can be absorbed very quickly from others so it is essential to protect your energy daily through visualising white light around you.


Cleansing your energy and how to do it

White light

Shower or bath with Himalayan salt

Fire dragon cleansing

Sage/Palo Santo

Egg cleanse



Protecting Your Energy

Violet Flame


Metal door

Bubble of light

Cord Cutting

If you help yourself daily, you will feel lighter, focused and aligned and thats when the miracles occur!