Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

Declutter and get ready for a New Year

Declutter and get ready for a New Year

Decluttering is getting rid of things that no longer help or support you and refreshing yourself energetically. It is about removing old energy through items you are holding onto or even old relationships that no longer serve you anymore. To declutter, is to see what items at home or even materially you are holding onto or hoarding that are from the past.

Remember all items have energy. If you hold onto items because they remind of someone from the past, you are holding onto old energy (if it has not got a positive connection to it, let it go). Ask yourself why am I holding onto this? How is this serving me? When it comes to relationships, let go of those that have now moved on, let go of the energy attached to that person or event. If we hold onto the past, we can never truly move on.

Allow yourself to remove energies that are holding you back, even mindset issues like low self-esteem, not believing in yourself and anger or frustration, Allow yourself to heal these by working on self-love practices, doing the inner work, addressing emotional wounds, triggers and adverse emotions. Its good to ‘tie up loose ends’ at the end of a year to allow you to move into a new year with fresh new energy, therefore attracting new beginnings.

Clutter and mental health are connected. While clutter is sometimes associated with increased creativity, it can also leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed if it gets to be too much or interferes with your ability to function effectively in your daily life. If we don’t declutter, it can impact us by increasing stress levels, causing procrastination, decrease wellbeing and cause anxiety.

Clutter can easily lead to a nearly constant feeling of frustration as you struggle to complete daily tasks. The time you spend looking for objects you need or attempting to organize your items could be time spent with loved ones, doing self-care, or even just relaxing. It is important to declutter your energy. This can be anything from:

  • People/relationships
  • Old energy that you need to heal (past versions of you)
  • Declutter your mind- letting go of negative thoughts, overthinking
  • Decluttering your language- getting rid of phrases like ‘I can’t, I am not, I don’t’
  • Clearing energy as soon as you get home from being around others (Visualise white light through and around you daily)

Once you get into a routine of decluttering daily, you will find so much peace, clarity and calm in every day life and any challenge you face will be easy to overcome.