Justine Markley

+44 7501409322
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach, Reiki Healer, Self love teacher.
#intuitivecoach #selflove #believeyoudeserveit #believeinyou #igniteyourinnerpower

Believe in the Magic of New Beginnings

Believe in the Magic of New Beginnings

New year new you! Each year gives us an opportunity to rethink and reflect on our thoughts, habits, behaviours from the previous year and look at how we want to change things moving forwards. All the events, challenges and experiences we have had the year before allow us to see how we can see things differently.

Is there something you want to change? Is there something you want to let go of? January is a calender month of new starts, but the new year energetically actually begins in March. Still, its a good time at the beginning of a calender year to decide how you would like that year to go.

Set intentions, positive thoughts and start co-creating the reality you so wish for! We always have the opportunity to start again and really put ourselves first we just need to know how. Start by writing a list of everything you want to see happen in 2024 and also how you want to feel. What emotions would you like to experience and how would you like to be (what version of you to you want to manifest).

Start by journalling and writing down everything that holds you back and what motivates you on the other side. What do you notice? What do you recognise is an old habit? Are these things still there because they are familiar? Whats keeping you stuck? What lights your fire? Doing self- exploring with yourself will help you discover the you that you may have been missing or temporarily lost. It will also allow you to see what needs healing, where you are doing well and what could need some TLC.

Here are some ideas for a daily wellness routine:


  • Ground and protect your energy
  • Gratitude and Positive affirmations
  • EFT (emotional freedom tapping)
  • Dance


  • Move your body
  • Cleanse your space and energy
  • Ground and protect your energy
  • Meditate


  • Calming present moment awareness
  • Self-love practices like a bath, reading a book, journalling
  • Relaxation
  • Gratitude and Positive affirmations

Keep believeing in the power of faith and watch how your life turns around for the better!